The #QuiltBlockMania is a BOM with the participation of several quilt pattern designers. Each month you get a color scheme and several 12" x 12" free block patterns from different designers. The same color scheme, size and theme will allow you to easily assemble the various blocks into a quilt.

Color Scheme
Shades of Burgundy and Turquoise, a perfect color scheme to celebrate the Winter.
My Block: Ski Vacation

Technique: fusible applique
Fabric scraps and a US Letter size printable, fusible interface (I recommend Steam-A-Seam)
Steps to follow

Piece the background from the linen and light turquoise fabrics
Cut the pieces as shown by the image on the right
Sew the two pieces together and press the seam open
Download the file below

Open the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader
Print it on the paper side of a US Letter size a fusible interface sheet
Cut the pieces apart
Fuse the interface pieces to the wrong side of the fabrics
Remove the paper and fuse the pieces to the background
Stitch the pieces around with zig-zag or blanket stitches
Post your blocks on Instagram and use hashtag: #QuiltBlockMania